
Updated Reporting for Appointment Dashboard

September 8, 2021


New Appointment Dashboard Reporting Features for better detail

  1. Added Online Scheduler and DMS appointment data
  2. Ability to choose future dates
  3. Better UI for sorting by ‘Created Date’ or ‘Scheduled Date’
  4. New charts to analyze show rates
  5. Appointment Creator option added to advanced search

Intended Recipients


myKaarma Desktop

Product Type


New Reporting Details

Status: General Availability

We added Online Scheduler and DMS appointment data.

online scheduler and dms data added

You now have the ability to choose future dates, and there is a better UI for sorting by ‘Created Date’ or ‘Scheduled Date’.

future dates selection and create by date schedule by date

New charts are available to analyze show rates. You can view Show/No Show distribution across platforms (Desktop App, DMS, and Scheduler), and overall Show Rate.

Appointment show rate reporting

The Appointment Creator dimension is added as an option to advanced search.

appointment creator platform

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