
Sentiment Analysis

December 11, 2020


We have a New Sentiment Analysis Feature in myKaarma. 

Intended Recipients


myKaarma Desktop

Product Type

Desktop, APP

Sentiment Analysis


This new feature will use automation to detect when a customer is upset and escalate that thread as needed so it can be handled promptly and adequately. There will be a new  Upset Customer filter in the Messages tab. 

Status: Alpha

sentiment analysis upset customer

The purpose of having two sub-filters is so that if a customer thread gets misclassified by the AI system, you will be able to reorganize it into the proper filter manually by clicking on the “Actions” dropdown. You can move threads from ‘Upset’ to ‘Not Upset’ and vice versa.

sentiment analysis actions dropdown

Each time there is a message that is classified as “upset” it will be escalated to the appropriate user. The notifier will pop with the customer’s message so that the user can take action as needed.

To make the myKaarma Sentiment AI smarter, please provide feedback on the sentiment predictions. To do this, you can click on the upset icon in the customer thread and provide feedback as needed. See Image below:

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