Easily convert TraXtion* inspection results into tire recommendations using our DealerTire Integration.
Provide accurate tire recommendations using inspection results with the click of a button. Customers can review, compare, and approve tire recommendations using myKaarma. Increase tire sales, with easy, convenient, and automatic tire recommendations.
*TraXtion requires TreadSpec or GrooveGlove products.
Automatically capture tire shopper orders in the myKaarma service scheduer.
DealerTire integration With the National or Dealer tire site allows owners to shop, identify, and order the recommended tires for their vehicle. Once the order is placed for tires, the appointment with all tire order details automatically transfers to the dealer’s myKaarma service scheduler.
myKaarma Desktop
Mobile Communications
Mobile Communications
Easily convert TraXtion inspections into tire recommendations from within the myKaarma desktop. This is done through our DealerTire Integration.
Tire Inspection Media
Tire Recommendations
Tire Quotes for Customer
The vehicle owner may start their new tire journey on a National or Dealer page to help find the right tires for their vehicle. With DealerTire Scheduler Integration.
The details of the order get automatically applied to an appointment in your myKaarma scheduler.
8980 Perry Hwy
Pittsburgh PA, 15237
Add India Tower, 6A
10th Floor, Plot #A, Sector 125
Noida, U.P. 201303, India
290 King Street E
Kitchener, ON, N2G2L3, Canada
Take payments during outages