omnichannel communications platform


myKaarma delivers an omnichannel communications platform that allows consumers easy access to their auto dealership service department. In one solution, dealers can offer their customers the ability to call, text, or email. The platform ensures single-number direct access to the dealership service advisor.


Integrated calling and texting communications


Direct connect texting delivers instant interaction


Send emails as backup communications

One dashboard manages ALL your customer communications. With myKaarma Direct Connect Communications, your customers never have to use the dreaded phone tree to call their service advisor.

one communications dashboard

WHY One Dashboard is Important

  • See every customer communication thread in ONE place, recorded and organized for FAST approvals 
  • Attached and sharable pictures saved to the thread (not a personal device)
  • Sharable video in the thread to drive up-sell approvals

Communications Platform Benefits

  • Customer approvals in 10-minutes or less
  • Drops phone call volume and voicemail by 35%
  • Fully integrated with all major DMS providers
  • Keeps customers informed and increases CSI by 31%
  • Improves customer happiness and retention in the service department
communications options
never miss call with popup notifier

Popup Notifier

  • Never miss a call, text, or email
  • 15-minute response alert to drive fast updates for customer transparency
  • See the name of the customer that is calling you before answering

Easy Response Text/Email Templates

  • Stop writing the same message 100 times a day and let your fingers relax
  • Save time with text and email templates
  • Customizable to your dealership, department, and team
Email and text response templates
record and transcribe voice calls

Record and Transcribe Voice Calls

  • Easy to find and read voicemails to confirm approvals
  • Eliminate phone tag and multiple customer confusion of who approved what service
  • Protect yourself from “friendly-fraud” chargebacks that cut into your profits

Out of Office

  • Whether on a lunch break, a vacation, or just a day off, you can easily send all your ROs to a team member or manager
  • One click and all those ROs and clients come back to you when you return to work
  • Your manager can set your out-of-office for you if you forget 
  • Managers can easily redirect clients to other Service Advisors if there is a departure
out of office messaging
myKaarma automation

Automation Where Desired

  • Why work harder, when you can automate
  • Get customer feedback before surveys go out
  • Let customers know their vehicles are ready to pick up
  • Send out appointment reminders

Mobile Simplicity

myKaarma works on both iOS and Android apps, allowing you to text, email, or call from your mobile device. Clients never see a device number, only the service department number. You can include videos and pictures in texts and emails, allowing your service advisors to work faster and more efficiently.